Differential equations, nonlinear monotone operator theory in Banach spaces, topological degree theories, and critical point theory with applications in sciences and engineering, Real analysis, Functional analysis
Virology, Translation, Vaccine, microbiology
Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism, Molecular biology
Computer Networks, Sensor Networks, Distributed Systems, wireless and sensor networks, network protocols and architectures, mobile sensing, social networks, distributed systems, IoT, and Internet Technologies
Immune tolerance, Regulatory T cells, CD4 T cells, Cell signaling, Mass spectroscopy, RNAseq, Immunotherapy.
Nanomedicine, Bio-Nanotechnology, Nanoengineering, Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering
Machine learning, Image processing, NLP, Bio-informatics
Distribution Theory, Applied Statistics, Reliability Analysis, Survival Analysis, Longitudinal Data Analysis
Medicial Microbiology, Conservation Genomics, Cancer
Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing
Polymers, nano dots, molecular dynamics, monte carlo, first-principles simulations of solids
Molecular epidemiology, microbiology
Structural earthquake engineering, earthquake engineering, seismic vulnerability of reinforced concrete structures, heritage and monuments, local seismic culture, next generation performance based earthquake engineering (PBEE-2)
Household air pollution and risk of Tuberculosis infection and disease, and pneumonia in children, Environmental and occupational impacts of lead from battery manufacturing and recycling processes, and lead-based paint in developing countries, Environmental and Occupational Health, Climate Change
Impact Evaluation, Global Health, Decision Science
Causal Inference, Data Mining
Biomedical public-health, Molecular Epidemiology, Antibiotic Resistiance, Infectious Diseases, Cancer
Systems Biology, Mass Spectrometry, Metabolomics, Single-cell Analysis, MALDI
Mathematics education, arts-based education research, transformative education
Interferon, Virus
1. Scientific Manager at Center for Health and Disease Studies Nepal (CHDS); 2. Lecturer at Nobel College. Infectious diseases; Cancer Biology
Robotics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Memory-Augmented Neural Networks, Neuroevolution
Structural anyalysis; Materials synthesis and characterization
Clinical Neuroscience, Clinical trials in Neurosurgery
Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, Arbovirology, Immunology, Ecology, Animal Modeling, Mathematical Modeling, Vector Biology
Resilience of super high-rise, complex, and critical structures subject to multiple natural hazards including earthquakes and windstorms through experimental testing and multi-scale numerical and hybrid simulations, Structural Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Seismic Isolation, Structural Dynamics
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience, Differential Geometry, feedforward and recurrent, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, (inverse) (deep) reinforcement learning, Bayesian statistics, Riemann geometry and dynamical systems theory
Environmental epidemiology: climate change & health, air pollution & health, disaster & health, effects of environmental factors on the development of NCDs etc; infectious diseases: VBDs, WBDs, and tuberculosis; WASH and occupational health issues; data analysis & modeling.
Biomarker discovery, gene expression analysis, Big Data, Microarrays, Proteomics, organ transplantation, kidney disease, mass spectrometry, molecular assay development, ELISA, antibody profiling, clinical assay development, transnational research, single cell analysis
Computational Geometry, Pattern Recognition, Analysis of Algorithms, Robot Motion Planning, Unmanned Aerial Systems Expertise, Trajectory Planning for UAS, Covert Path Planning and Threat Modeling, Sensor Assisted Target Recognition, Monitoring and Surveillance
Spiking Neural Network, Neural Network, Machine Learning, Learning, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition
Physics, Remote Sensing, Earth Science, Artificial Intelligence
Single-molecules, Microscopy, NanoPhotonics
Particle physics
Mechanical Engineering (Air Quality)
natural anticancer agents by targeting the tumor microenvironment
Organic chemistry, nanotechnology, polymer chemistry, formulation scientist, and medicinal and aromatic plants researcher
Data Encryption, Computer System Security, Software Engineering, Database Management, Distributed and Grid Systems